Sweets You Can Eat

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Chocolate Goji Berry Drops

Chocolate Goji Berry Drops

© Sweets You Can Eat by Megan Matthews and Patricia Schroeck 2022


1 cup slivered almonds, toasted
3/4 cup goji berries
1 and1/2 cups chocolate chips/chunks
1 and 1/2 tablespoons coconut oil
large crystal salt

Makes 25 drops

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1.  Toast almonds in oven at 350ºF/180ºC for 10 minutes, just until nuts start to brown. Let cool.
2.  Combine chocolate and coconut oil in a microwave safe bowl and microwave for 1 minute at a time. Remove, stir to combine into a glossy, smooth chocolate coating.
3.  Once the chocolate is melted, stir in cooled 3/4 cup toasted almonds and 1/2 cup goji berries. Use a tablespoon-sized scoop to drop 25 candy pieces onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. 
4.  Top each candy drop with the extra toasted almonds and remaining goji berries, plus large crystal salt to stick to the chocolate.
5.  Store in freezer or refrigerator until ready to serve.

Photos by Brian Byllesby

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