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Chocolate: Food of The Gods – Rx: Every Day!

Life without chocolate would feel like friendship without hugs.  How are you on hugs and chocolate right now my friend?

Chocolate – Food of The Gods – Fit for Royalty

Chocolate has been around for thousands of years.  In Mesoamerican cultures chocolate was revered as “food of the gods” – which is the perfect label even now.

Imagine you’re an Aztec Queen lounging on your throne and savoring your favorite drink “Xocolatl.”   The “X” is pronounced as “Ho”… Hocolatl… pretty close to chocolate, right?

Xocolatl was reserved for the royalty and their warriors because it was known to provide superpowers.  Cocoa beans were so valuable in Mesoamerican civilizations (think Mayan and Aztecs) they were used as currency and have been found in grave sites.

Imagine a world without chocolate?  What if eating chocolate is really good for you?   

Cocoa – A Powerful Fruit

Chocolate grows on trees.  The scientific name is:  Theobroma Cacao.  Translated from Greek:  Theo = God; broma = food:  “God Food Cacao.” 

Cocoa tree with cocoa bean fruit

The Theobroma Cacao tree produces large pods filled with Cocoa Beans.  Cocoa Beans are dried and crushed into cocoa powder – which is used by itself for a delicious hot chocolate (Xocolatl) or made into scrumptious chocolate.

Cocoa Beans are fruits that rival any superfood with their antioxidant power.  Up there in antioxidant levels with green, leafy vegetables, blueberries, green tea and red wine.

Cocoa has many proven health benefits which all go back to cocoa being chock full of flavanols.  Flavanols are powerful antioxidants.  These antioxidants fight free radical damage and reduce inflammation.

Research on cocoa and chocolate has shown improvements in heart health, blood flow, blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugars.  There has been extensive research on reducing type 2 diabetes.  Asthma sufferers have seen better breathing.

Your memory and brain health will also improve with a daily dose of chocolate. (Just remember to buy it!)   Cocoa has shown to dilate blood vessels which is critical in preventing dementia and strokes.

And the best part – wait for it….- yes, chocolate can help us lose weight.

Hard to believe but true, chocolate is even good for our teeth and gum health, because it improves blood flow to tiny blood vessels.

Not Just Any Chocolate Will Do

Roasted cocoa beans, cocoa and chocolate

Now – here’s the sad truth: milk chocolate (or worse white chocolate) doesn’t count.  Chocolate made with milkfat and wax isn’t healthy.  

Only chocolate made with real cocoa and cocoa butter deserves its name. Everything else is fake chocolate flavored milk fat with refined sugar that does nada for your health.

If you want health benefits, go for the 70% chocolate bar – or indulge your dark side and go even further.  We bake with 100% dark chocolate chips in yummy brownies or cookies. The recommended dosage is up to 30 grams or 1 ounce – about three small pieces.

Or get at least a teaspoon of Raw Cocoa Powder (not Dutch) which tastes great in smoothies, on cereal or in your coffee.

Megan’s Vegan Chocolate Mint Truffles

Escape for a few moments each day and become royalty when you indulge in several bites of healthy chocolate or a treat made with real, dark chocolate. 

No guilty pleasure, just healthy delight from real food that’s good for you!

Megan & Patricia


Cardiovascular effects: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28824916/

Cocoa’s effect against dementia and stroke: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2518374/

Cocoa and diabetes: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29088075/

Antiobesity effect of cocoa: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24259381/

Dark chocolate and weight loss: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24000103/


History of chocolate: https://historydaily.org/xocolatl-the-mayan-food-of-the-gods

Chocolate in the news: https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/22/health/dark-chocolate-benefits-wellness/index.html

See this content in the original post

Vegan, paleo, gluten free chocolate chips: check out Hu Chocolate - we especially love their Hu Gems!

Single plantation, sustainably farmed, ethically sourced: https://www.chocolatesanjose-minneapolis.com/